
Let’s talk today about rebuilding happiness after the Covid. During
the past three months, I’ve noticed changes in my own life and in the lives of people I serve. Most people who work from home have been able to make that transition fairly smoothly. However, many of us miss our co-workers, and we find ourselves distracted at home. We miss our friends and family members who we only have seen on videoconferencing platforms.
1. Let’s talk about building resilience and hope during difficult times such as these. It sounds paradoxical but it is true when you most need hope, that’s when it’s time to give it to someone else. How? Let other know how much they mean to you. Gratitude matters. Gratitude is not only something you say or write or text in a message. It is primarily something you do. Take a moment to specify what the person you are thanking has done and how it’s made a difference to you. Those bystanders who witness the acts of gratitude will be encouraged and a spirit of generosity and virtuosity will grow. Gratitude is one of the three keys to retraining your brain. Current brain imaging shows us that gratitude results in rewiring our mind. It actually makes us better and
different people. One tradition which is shared among many faiths and cultures is to give thanks before eating a meal. Practicing self-
compassion and truly being grateful not only for the food but also the people you are sharing the food with and your own health during these uncertain times brings a sense of renewed savouring of every moment. Feeding the mind and the body both.
2. Less is more. We really need less stuff than we think. Now that we have been forced to stay home, shop infrequently and only for
necessities, I realize that I’m doing just fine. I don’t need the extra’s that I was accustomed to expect in life. In fact, the basic essentials, food, clean water, health are immeasurably more important than designer labels, spa visits, and having the newest tech. How many of these new items hurt the health of the planet? In fact, recent research shows that showing kindness to anyone even a stranger will make you happier than
pampering yourself with luxury. We will be happier if we consume less and give more. Giving of your time will actually make you feel like you have more time, then spending time on yourself perhaps watching a show. This is due to the function of our mind when we do something for someone we experience a sense of power and generosity helps us feel like we are not living in scarcity but abundance. This shifts our mindset
out of fear and worry and into a mindset of love and connection.
3. Go outside. Gyms and recreational complexes have been closed for the past few months, so we have gone outside more. Even athletes have been doing their routines out in a natural setting. There is accumulating research which shows that being out in nature is good for your mind and body. Whether you’re doing a workout or enjoying the beauty of nature,
the colours of nature lift our mood. Even on cloudy days, getting natural light into our eyes helps reset our circadian rhythms and keeps our sleep and wake cycles set optimally. When children’s playgrounds were closed, I saw children climbing trees and making forts in their own yards. Activities which encourage imagination and narrative story telling and pretending. Nature is an inspiration for all ages, so enjoy the outdoors. It’s great for your mind.

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Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the courage to have creativity in response to it.


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